Fauna Talks

General Meeting June 2021 – Birds in the Arid Zone

Simon Gorta Spoke at our June general meeting on habitat use by arid birds under land management and drought related stressors

Our speaker Simon Gorta an ecologist, UNSW research assistant and OFF research grant recipient discussed his research, conducted in semi-arid Sturt National Park, and the adjacent pastoral properties of Lindon and Bollard’s Lagoon Stations in South Australia over the dingo fence, during the height of the drought in 2019. He investigated how the bird communities in the region persisted during the drought and in response to the dingo fence separating the national park and pastoral properties, studying their abundances and community composition compared to similar studies in wetter, more resource abundant times. Simon is interested in how animals respond to environmental cues, and how to use our understanding of these responses to better manage our ecosystems.

View talk on our YouTube channel

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