OFF Activities Walks

September 29 2024 Field Day – Bottle Forest Trail, Heathcote NP

A leisurely stroll to see waratahs in flower.

A great day in the Heathcote NP to see lots of waratahs (Vicki counted 37) and native flowers in abundance as well as a bearded orchid.
We also saw yellow-tailed black cockatoos, and an echidna. We had 16 members along and the rain held off so we didn’t need raincoats after all!!


Heathcote National Park is a rugged landscape, flourishing with a variety of plants and animals. Eucalypts such as bloodwood, grey gum, Sydney peppermint, and scribbly gum dominate open forest areas alongside pockets of bright flowers like banksias, hakeas, and waxflowers, which are best enjoyed along a relaxing bushwalk. With so much plant life to admire, it’s no wonder wildlife like sugar gliders, ringtail possums and swamp wallabies also call Heathcote home. A soundtrack of chatty friar birds, honeyeaters and lyrebirds can also be heard across the park gorges during winter.

Bottle Forest Trail is a beautiful little trail where we may be able to spot the vibrant crimson flowerhead of the iconic Warratah, the NSW floral emblem. Waratahs blossom in spring, meaning the best time for this trail is from September to November. The trail is a gentle 6km walk.

You can catch a train to Heathcote train station from Oatley at 9.10am for the start at 9.30am. There is an earlier train at 8.40am if you would like to arrive early and perhaps have a coffee before the walk. it’s a short walk from there to the bottom of Bottle Forest Road. Alternatively, you can drive and park at the bottom of Bottle Forest Road.

Bring lunch, water, wet weather gear and sunscreen. Wear sturdy shoes and a hat and possibly walking poles. Check with leader Lesley Wylie on 0400 562 085 or email her at the day before if inclement weather.

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