In 2025 OFF is celebrating 70 years of environmental action and advocacy.
OFF’s first meeting of the year was the Annual General Meeting. The past year’s extensive activities were reviewed by Secretary Scott Shade and President Kim Wagstaff discussed OFF’s priorities for the next year in his presentation.
A new committee was then elected for 2024.
The office bearers elected were:
President: Kim Wagstaff
Vice-Presidents: Adrian Polhill and Sonia Baxant
Treasurer: Rodger Robertson
Secretary: Scott Shade
9 other committee members positions were filled, including new members Gary Schoer and Robyn Stahel. Welcome Gary and Robyn. All committee details are printed on the annual program which is distributed to all members.
Following the meeting, due to it taking place in the Church, not the hall as usual, we met for refreshments in Oatley RSL for a convivial get-to-gether.
A full list of committee members can be found here.
Read the President’s presentation which discusses OFF’s priorities for 2025.
Our first Monday meeting for the year will be the Annual General Meeting. Hear reports about what OFF has been doing in the past year, and elect a new committee for 2025. Members are invited to nominate at the AGM. Due to resignations, there will be 3 committee positions vacant in the new 2025 committee to be elected at the AGM.
This is your chance to nominate and help steer the Society in its endeavours to improve our environment, both locally and globally, by its activities, management and petitioning
Following the meeting, due to the meeting being in the church this month, not the hall , we do not have access to the church kitchen and cannot have our usual supper on the church premises. Accordingly, attendees are invited to adjourn to the Oatley RSL for refreshments. A great time to socialise and catch up with like-minded people.

From OFF’s 2024 activities
This meeting will be held in Oatley Uniting Church at 7.30pm and on-line by ZOOM. For ZOOM Meeting Id and Password, please email or use this link.