OFF Activities Talks

May 2022 Meeting Mangroves, Mud, Midges, Mud Crabs, Money and Mankind

Dr Swapan Paul, Manager Wetlands at Sydney Olympic Park discussed the importance of mangroves, the threats to them and successful examples of mangrove rehabilitation in Sydney Olympic Park.

OFF Activities Talks

April 2022 Meeting Supporting Biodiversity and Conservation on Farms

Eleanor Lang from ANU discussed working with land managers to enhance their farms for biodiversity and productivity.

OFF Activities Talks

March Meeting Environmental Impacts of Plastics and Microplastics

Scott Wilson, from Macquarie University on marine debris, micro-plastics and litter assessment.

Fauna Meetings OFF Activities Talks

February 2022 Meeting – Re-introduction of the Western Quoll and Refuges for Crest-tailed Mulgara

Two University of NSW students, recipients of OFF research grants, presented their findings.

Meetings OFF Activities

Annual General Meeting 7th February 2022

Our first Monday meeting for the new year was the Annual General Meeting. Reports were presented outlining OFF’s activities during the past year, and a new committee was elected for 2022. The office bearers elected were: President: Kim Wagstaff Vice-Presidents: Arian Polhill and Graham Lalchere Treasurer: Rodger Robertson Secretary: Vacant – no nominations. A full […]

Fauna Meetings Talks

November 2021 Meeting – Climate Change and Weedy Seadragons

Research candidate at the Univeristy of Technology Sydney and OFF research recipient, Sam Allan, presented his research on weedy seadragons.

Fauna OFF Activities Talks

October 2021 Meeting – How Smart are Fish?

An extremely interesting presentation on fish intelligence