OFF Activities Walks

Bundeena to Marley

Spring had sprung and an amiable bunch of OFF members and guests sprang down tthe cliff track from Bundeena to Marley Beach

On 29th August spring had sprung and an amiable bunch of OFF members and guests (16 in all) sprang down the boardwalk that links some of the cliff track from Bundeena to Marley Beach on a foray of natural discovery. It didn’t take long before we were huddled around a solitary ground orchid with a healthy helping of deliberation. Deb did diligent homework that evening and it was deduced to be a Brown Beak Orchid Lyperanthus suaveolens and the small bright mauve ones Small Wax-lip Orchid Glossodia minor. The Sun Orchid possibly Spotted Sun Orchid Theymitra ixioides without spots. The spring colours were outstanding with Boronia ledifolia perhaps taking the prize but Dillwinias, Phebaliums, Grevillea oleoides, Patersonias and Darwinias worthy runners up. We also saw and heard plenty of birds like New Holland honeyeaters, whip birds, superb blue wren and Deb managed to call to ground a difficult to see chestnut–rumped heathwren that reacted defensively to the recorded call on her mobile app.

We lunched at Marley Beach (or Little Marley if you missed the party!) where geologist Geoff pointed out the striking sandstone feature – Soft Sediment Deformation.  Unfortunately, given the many opportunities of an ocean-view whales returning to Antarctica evaded us (probably too early). But gannets and a sea-eagle were sighted.  


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