Glenlee OFF Activities

Glenlee Update – July 2024

Friends of Glenlee (FoG) issued update on actions being taken.

As reported in OFF News, July 2024:

Friends of Glenlee (FoG) has issued an update on actions being taken:
Meeting with Minister for Environment and Heritage, Penny Sharpe.
FoG executives met with the Minister on 12 June. The focus was the need for a comprehensive conservation management plan for the site and
assessment for Aboriginal and natural heritage. Unfortunately the Minister was not willing to consider what she might be able to do, being advised that she did not have the powers to authorise such inspections.
Continued protection of Glenlee and its historical artefacts
The focus for FoG had shifted slightly and is now on protection of the site and artefacts on the site. Representations have been made to Council, when locals were concerned at the works taking place on the property. Council stated that “the owner was advised to cease all works immediately and not conduct further works until written approval has been provided by Council”.
Meeting with the new owners
FoG executives met the new owner on site on 18 June, noting work had taken place to address issues with the house. There is a caretaker on the site apparently undertaking gardening. The owner indicated his intention to build 3-4 houses for his extended family on the site. Most historical artefacts have been removed, but he said that the local museums had been down to consider preserving some of the settler tools and other items.

The full update can be read here.

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