UPDATE 29 August 2021
1) In relation to the appeal in the Land and Environment Court (LEC) a Section 34 Conciliation Conference has been set down for 22 October 2021. In the meantime
Council will be preparing a Statement of Facts and Contentions (SOFAC) and the appellant will provide a reply to the SOFAC.
2) Great news! A six month Interim Heritage Order has been gazetted to cover the Glenlee property. This will provide temporary protection of the buildings, land, and relics etc. on
the site and allow time for more detailed investigations to be undertaken of their local heritage significance.
3) A number of community submissions have been lodged with Council asking that funds be allocated in the draft Georges River Council Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2021
– Section 7.11 and Section 7.12 specifically to contribute to the acquisition of ‘Glenlee’ for open space.
4) Council has resolved to write to the Federal Member for Banks, Mr David Coleman MP and the State Member for Oatley, Mr Mark Coure MP to request their support in obtaining
funding so that the owners of Glenlee can be approached by Council to seek to purchase the site for open space and community purposes.
5) A local community association has been established with the name Friends of Glenlee Association Incorporated. It has been set up specifically to facilitate ‘saving Glenlee’ by
focussing local support for this cause. The association will carry more weight before the court than individual voices. OFF encourages you to join the Association. Here is a link to
the application form: https://forms.gle/7N8pgLwQttDjyDNK6 The inaugural meeting (on Zoom) is to be held Monday 6 September.
UPDATE 26 July 2021
Georges River Council unanimously passed a motion to call upon Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Heritage, Don Harwin, to enact an Interim Heritage Order on Glenlee, allowing up to 12 months for an Archaeological Assessment and Heritage report to be undertaken. A motion was also passed unanimously to ask the State and Federal Governments for funding to purchase Glenlee. Two motions were also put forward to create registers and plans of management to preserve our LGA’s heritage. For more information see Save Glenlee Lugarno Facebook Page and Save Glenlee Website
UPDATE 22 July 2021
The developer has now lodged an appeal to the Land and Environment Court (LEC) for deemed refusal by Council. Council’s lawyers, HWL Ebsworth, have issued letters to all those who made submissions to the DA (over 250) outlining the process of hearing the appeal in the LEC. Just briefly:
The proceedings are listed before a Registrar of the Court for the first directions hearing on 10 August 2021. On that day it is likely orders will be made requiring:
(i) the Council to file a Statement of Facts and Contentions (SOFAC), being a statement which particularises the Council’s contentions (issues) with the Application; and
(ii) listing the matter for a section 34 conciliation conference
The 34 Conference will be fixed by the Court on a date convenient to the parties, their experts and a Court Commissioner, sometime later this year.
For more information see (7) Save Glenlee Lugarno | Facebook and Save Glenlee Website

Over 250 submissions were made on the DA for this site. See OFF submissions and other information at Save Historic Glenlee Post