OFF Activities Talks

February 2023 Meeting Nestboxes

On 20th February, 2023, Susan Rhind, a wildlife conservation biologist, presented an interesting talk discussing research she and her partner, Murray Ellis, are carrying out on hollow nesting animals and nextboxes

Susan Rhind, a wildlife conservation biologist, presented an interesting talk covering the following topics: why we need nest boxes; whether nest boxes are useful and used by animals; which of our local mammals (and other groups) need tree hollows; whether nest boxes as good as natural hollows; if there been successful nest box programs; making nest boxes attractive to animals; common problems with boxes; nestbox design and installation; some current research on nestboxes and alternatives; and finally, findings from nestboxes installed on the presenter’s property at Bergalia.

Susan, along with zoologist partner and researcher Murray Ellis, has a background working on hollow nesting animals and nestboxes. Susan studied the rare and threatened brush-tailed phascogale for her PhD and extensively used nestboxes during that study. In the past few years the pair have studied the design of nestboxes – especially the impact of design on temperatures inside boxes during our hot summers. In addition to other research, Murray has also undertaken innovative work on creating hollow entrances in trees. The duo are currently assisting their local Eurobodalla Council with nestboxes in the Shire, and a project on Gang-gang cockatoos. Susan is presenting but thanks go to Murray Ellis and Narawan Williams for their contributions to the talk.

Susan’s talk can be viewed on OFF’s YouTube channel.  here.

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