OFF Activities

Glenlee update – February 2023

The campaign continues to save Glenlee, but with little action from authorities to date.

In late January, 2023, Megan Argent wrote to the Minister for the Environment, amoung others, concerned that the Interim Heritage Order (IHO) had expired without assessment of the natural and Aboriginal cultural heritage values being carried out:

To the Hon Minister Griffin,

“To James,

As you are aware the Interim Heritage Order for Glenlee 80 Boronia parade Lugarno ends on the 28th January 2023. The community are respectfully urging yourself as Minister for the Environment and Heritage and Georges River Council to expedite and make happen the studies required for Heritage NSW to fulfill the State Heritage listing of Glenlee. Please urgently extend or renew the Interim Heritage Order.

Heritage NSW announced in their correspondence to me on 12th September 2022 that (Heritage NSW)

2.     Reaffirms its position that the item known as Glenlee at 80 Boronia Parade, Lugarno, is likely to be of State heritage significance; however, considers that further assessment of the natural and Aboriginal cultural heritage values of the site and a potential amended curtilage and site-specific exemptions are required.

According to the Heritage Act 1977 clause 148 and 149 is it true that the owners of a property have a legal obligation to allow access for the purposes of fulfilling the investigation of a place of environmental heritage under an Interim Heritage order?

148 (1). Subject to subsection (2) the Minister may authorise a person to carry out inspections, for the purposes of this Act, of buildings, works, relics, moveable objects and places and a person so authorised shall be provided by the Minister with a certificate of his or her authority in the prescribed form.:

149   Obstruction of authorised person

A person shall not obstruct, hinder, prevent or interfere with a person authorised under section 148 (1) in the exercise of his or her functions under section 148”

Therefore the studies required could have been conducted prior to the 28th of January when the Interim Heritage Order will conclude.

I would also like to add that as per the GML heritage report on Glenlee the property meets the State Heritage criteria for Rarity SHR criteria (f) and Representativeness SHR criteria (g). According to the National Trust, based on the GML Heritage study Glenlee IS State significant therefore it should be listed on the State Heritage Register now, the property does not need further studies to establish what is already evidenced and documented, that it IS State significant.

Thank you and with much appreciation for your urgent attention in this matter.

Kind Regards

Megan Argent


Subsequent to this email, the Minister advised:

“Heritage Act 1977 does not permit me to extend an IHO beyond its duration of 12 months”; and “It is also my understanding that Glenlee has been listed as a local heritage item on Georges River Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2021 and there is currently no proposal before Council that would threaten the heritage significance of the site. For these reasons, it is appropriate that Heritage NSW and Council continue to seek the owner’s consent to access the property”… “Glenlee’s inclusion as a local heritage item on Council’s LEP affords protection by Council of the site’s heritage values while a potential SHR listing is explored.”

To publically show your concern for the fate of Glenlee, signs are available to erect in your property, as shown at the top of this post. They are available by email Friends of Glenlee at FOGlenlee@gmail.comfrom

Save Glenlee also invited members to join them at Lugarno Uniting Church for an afternoon on Saturday 18 February 2023 with special guest speaker Heather Goodall, historian and author of Georges River Blues and Rivers and Resilience. “Georges River Blues” describes the Georges River conflicts that have been fought historically over many years to save our River and Bushland. This was a very well attended gathering and Heather’s talk was very interesting and well received.

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