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NSW Proposed Changes to Create Low and Mid-Rise Housing

The NSW Government is proposing changes to the planning system which will detrimentally affect all residential property in NSW

The NSW Government is proposing changes to the planning system to respond to the “housing crisis”. These changes will detrimentally affect all residential property in NSW.

These planning reforms will bypass local council and remove every homeowner’s right to object to neighbouring developments. This will have a devastating effect on our environment and our community. There will be a massive loss of tree canopy, increased pressure on infrastructure such as the sewage system, which is already causing river/creek pollution and health risk and devastation in the Scenic Foreshore Protection Area (imagine duplexes on blocks as small 450 square metres!). Only local planning by Georges River Council in consultation with residents (as is the case now) can align with our values and decide what is right for us.

Submissions on these proposed changes closed at 4pm on 23rd February.

Department of Planning and Environment’s Explanation of Intended Effect: Changes to create low and mid-rise housing can be found here: Scroll down to Submissions on this page.

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