April 18 – A rally was organised for Saturday 23 April 2022 at 10.00 am at Heinrich Reserve, 40D Bayside Drive, Lugarno. Local politicians and Georges River Councillors were invited and asked to speak briefly on their commitment to saving Glenlee. Given how close the Federal elections was, it was important that there was a big turnout for the rally. It also appeared that Glenlee was still on the market and that Colliers was advertising that it was open for inspection at 2.00pm Thursday 28 April
May 16 – The rally was held as noted above and what a great rally it was! So inspiring with supportive speeches from Penny Sharpe MLC, State Shadow Minister for the Environment, Zhi Soon – Labor candidate for Banks, Natalie Hanna – Greens candidate for Banks, and Kevin Greene and Peter Mahoney GRC Peakhurst Ward Councillors. Unfortunately David Coleman (Federal Banks), Mark Coure (State Oatley, and GRC Peakhurst Ward Councillor Lou Konjarski could not be there. The more than 100 attendees also heard about what Glenlee could be, with visions for the future from Peter Gossel (Marine Workshop/ Men’s Shed), Sonia Baxant (kayak hire) and Bianca Warner (Aboriginal Reference Group advisory to Georges River Council). Did you know for example that there is no cultural centre for Aboriginal youth in the Georges River area? Did you know as well that there is nowhere to hire kayaks on the Georges River? What a great community hub Glenlee could be! However, following a question asked at the April council meeting it appears that, at this stage, there are no promises to fund the purchase of Glenlee, from Council, state or federal sources. Advocacy for Glenlee continues with a range of stakeholders, to firm up and communicate the vision for its future

June 20 – Great news! Council’s lawyers have advised residents that the DA for 31 residential allotments has been withdrawn and the appeal in the Land and Environment Court has been discontinued.
July 18 – Wonderful news! The NSW Heritage Council has given notice of its intention to consider listing Glenlee on the State Heritage Register in acknowledgement of its heritage significance to the people of NSW. As many people as possible are required to make a submission.
OFF members and all residents are invited to lodge submissions in
support by 10th August, 2022, to: heritagemailbox@environment.nsw.gov.au
Further information can be found at:
https://infoweb.georgesriver.nsw.gov.au/grinfocouncil/Open/2022/07/ENV_11072022_AGN_AT.PDF (Georges River Council agenda)
Glenlee (Under consideration) | Heritage NSW
You can find a guide from the Friends of Glenlee to the heritage significance of Glenlee here

July 24 – The Friends of Glenlee Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 28 July at 7.30 pm by Zoom:
OFF members are encouraged to join the meeting.
The following items will be considered at the meeting:
- Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM and the special meeting on 23 March 2022
- Report on the activities of the association over the year, including the President’s report
- Financial report – the audited accounts
- Election of office bearers of the association and ordinary committee members
The following positions will be filled at the AGM:
3 Ordinary Committee members