Our guide has been prepared with seasonal blooms in Oatley Park. The park protects important examples of the natural environment which occurred throughout the area before the spread of suburbs. Within its boundaries are numerous micro-habitats giving protection to a variety of native plants and to animals which rely on those plants for food, shelter and nesting.
Grey Mangrove – Avicennia marina Small tree of intertidal mudflats, surrounded by aerial roots in the mud. Leaves broad, leathery, opposite. Flowers orange, in terminal clusters. Fruit a compressed oval capsule which floats. Not every tree flowers at the same time. Common around salt water margins of the Park.
Curly Sedge – Caustis flexuosa Sedge to 60cm tall with distinctive curly branchlets and dark brown leaf sheaths. Flowers born on upper branchlets with 3-4 pendulous stamens. Widespread on sandy soils.
Scurvy Weed – Commelina cyanea Low weak herb similar to the introduced weed Wandering Jew. Leaves to 8cm long, ovate, sheathing the stems. Flowers with 3 blue petals. Shelt
A Grass – Oplismenus aemulus A weak creeping grass. Leaves lance-shaped with wavy margins. Flower stems upright with flowers along stems. Shaded forest and moist areas.
Common Silkpod – Parsonsia straminea Robust climber on bushes and over ground. Leaves and stems with watery sap when broken. Leaves broad, opposite. Flowers yellowish and bearded, tubular and with protruding stamens borne in irregular clusters. Sheltered areas especially below cliff lines.
Pomax – Pomax umbellata Low plant with minute reddish flowers in umbels at the ends of branches. Widespread and common but often overlooked.
Sharp Greenhood – Pterostylis acuminata Ground orchid with stem to 24cm tall. Flower solitary, 25mm long, translucent green and distinguished by 2 long erect pointed lateral sepals. Mostly flowering in April-May, but flower spotted in early March on Headland Track.
For More information on the Flora of Oatley Park and Sydney Region check out the publications below:
- Native Plants of Oatley Park, A Photographic Guide Published by Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society
- Native Plants of Oatley Park Compiled by Alan Fairley, copies available at Oatley Flora and Fauna monthly meetings.
- Native Plants of the Sydney District an identification guide, by Alan Fairley & Philip Moore, available in book shops.
- D’harawal Seasons and Climatic Cycles, Compiled by Frances Bodkin & Illustrated by Lorraine Robertson 2008