Dr Damon Oliver, NSW Department of Planning and Environment, will discuss the conservation status of threatened birds in regional landscapes, including the superb parrot and other woodland birds.
Category: Fauna
Georgia Wallace-Crabbe and Greg Miller spoke at the Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society meeting on 22 August 2022 on the documentary they are producing on the plight of koalas in Eastern Australia.
Tom Kristensen spoke at the Oatley Flora and Fauna Conservation Society meeting on 25 July 2022 on looking for Koalas in Heathcote National Park During Covid lockdown.
Professor Richard Kingsford recounted the restroration of 35,000ha of desert ecosystem in Sturt National Park
An invigorating OFF field excursion to Boat Harbour and Merries Reef, which is a renowned and important site for migratory and resident shorebirds where they roost at high tide and feed at low tide.
Two University of NSW students, recipients of OFF research grants, presented their findings.
Shorebirds across the globe are under pressure. We need to do what we can to protect them and their habitats. Let’s make space on the shore for these amazing birds. Extracts from a presentation by Debbie Andrew on shorebirds of Botany Bay and Port Hacking for Local Land Services hosted by Sutherland Environment Centre on […]